
A blog with updates, new work, events and features on Shanti Sparrow.

Industry Jury: Announced as an ADC Young Guns Judge

This year I have been asked to be juror in one of designs most prestigious awards. ADC Young Guns recognises the vanguard of creative professionals 30 years of age and under.

Founded in 1996, it has grown to become one of the most coveted awards for young creatives around the globe. For many, being named an ADC Young Gun winner is a sure sign of a skyrocketing career, as well as a source of validation for all of the stressful days and sleepless nights that have come with early successes.

The Young Guns 16 jury is an eclectic group of creative professionals from across the globe and many disciplines. Along with past Young Gun winners they are joined by an all-star cast of industry veterans, as skilled as they are curious about the rising talent that is celebrated with every passing year of Young Guns.

2. About Young Guns.png
shanti sparrow